Blue Quartz Yoni Eggs

Blue Quartz enhances organizational abilities, self-discipline and orderliness by balancing the Throat Chakra and enhancing communication between upper and lower Chakras.  Using blue quartz also helps to improve one's communication skills, including not only communication with others, but also communication from the higher self into the 3D self.  Physically, blue Quartz is said to enhance the immune system and encourage proper function of the Lungs, Heart, Throat, and Eyes.

Emotionally, blue quartz greatly reduces problems with scattered mind and disorganization, and brings mental clarity. It also helps one to see and accept reality, and react to it intelligently in one's behalf. It can lift depression and replace it with peace and happiness. It also can help reduce stubbornness, particularly stubbornness that is ultimately bad for one. Blue quartz helps reduce emotional tension.  In the psychic and spiritual realms, blue quartz brings spiritual development, and contact with spirit guides and angels. It can also help you express your spiritual thoughts and dreams. Blue quartz is excellent for peaceful mindfulness or meditation.  Physically, blue quartz can help with cooling the body, throat, thyroid, and parathyroid, detoxification, over stimulation, hyperactivity, spleen, endocrine system, blood.  Blue quartz is associated with the throat chakra, and it enhances communication between the lower and higher chakras.

  • $30.00