(Book Yoni Steam Appt Here)Yoni steaming, also known as vaginal steaming, chai-yok, or bajo, is an ancient remedy used by women worldwide to support overall wellness. It is a holistic health practice where a woman allows herbal steam to gently permeate the exterior of her vagina. The word "yoni" in Sanskrit means "vagina," "womb," "goddess," or "origin of life," and yoni steaming is intended to support all these aspects of a woman. This practice is respected by healers around the world and is an opportunity for women to reconnect with their bodies and use the wisdom of plant medicine to heal their menstrual cycles.
Many reproductive challenges, such as menstrual cramps and infertility, can occur when there is an excess build-up of uterine lining that was not shed in previous cycles, causing it to become "encrusted" to the inside of the uterus. This built-up material can make the uterus and the surrounding muscles work excessively hard to shed it, often leading to pain and fatigue. Yoni steaming works by applying gentle heat and moisture carrying medicinal plant oils to the exterior tissues of the vagina (the vulva). The warmth and moisture increase circulation to the vulva, causing it to swell and expose the inner labial mucus membranes. These absorbent tissues allow the bloodstream to pick up the medicinal oils and carry them into the inner reproductive system, including the uterus. There, they work to help the uterus cleanse and release the built-up lining, ensuring that the next cycle is easy and pain-free, aiding in the implantation of an egg, and reducing other uterine abnormalities. The result is a healthier, more pleasant cycle and a more connected woman. Many women practice yoni steaming 1-2 times per month as a form of self-care.
Yoni steaming offers numerous benefits for women, as discovered throughout history, including:
Significant reduction in pain, bloating, and exhaustion during menstruation
Vaginal tightening, toning, and restoration of moisture
Elimination of odor and bad bacteria, as well as resetting of vaginal pH
Decreased menstrual flow and reduction of dark purple or brown blood at the beginning or end of the menstrual cycle
Regulation of irregular or absent menstrual cycles - Increased fertility
Accelerated healing and toning of the reproductive system after childbirth
Reduction of uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts, uterine weakness, uterine prolapse, and endometriosis
Alleviation of PCOS and menopausal symptoms
Postpartum healing and assistance with the recovery from vaginal tears, episiotomy, or C-section scars, as well as healing from miscarriage
Assistance with the healing of hemorrhoids
Relief from chronic vaginal/yeast infections, UTI, bacterial vaginosis, and maintenance of healthy odor
Easing of menopausal symptoms such as dryness or pain during intercourse
Womb detoxification and elimination of toxins from the body
Release of stored emotions/trauma and connection to the creative potential energy and deepening of the connection to feminine essence and Gaia
Experience of stronger and more frequent orgasms, as well as increased libido and reigniting of sensual passion.
Book your V Steam appointment with us today to detox your womb.
Keywords: Yoni steam, vaginal steam, yoni steam for fertility, v steam, v steam herbs, detoxify naturally