Slippery Elm Bark

Product Overview:

Slippery elm bark is one of our top organic feminine care products. It contains all-natural extracts that hydrate the skin and help the body detoxify naturally. Creating a self-care regimen with this wonder oil can keep your skin clean and hydrated and aid with a host of vaginal problems including vaginal dryness.

The subject of vaginal dryness is one that embarrasses many women and happens at some point in her life. It is a common thought that vaginal dryness is an issue only experienced by women who are nearing #menopause or who have undergone #hysterectomy or cancer prevention surgeries, but this is an issue that can be experienced by women of any age. #Vaginallubrication is often an initial sign of a woman’s sexual excitement, but the absence of natural lubrication isn’t necessarily an indication of a lack of sexual arousal.

Vaginal dryness is often a symptom of a deeper health issue. Physiological factors such as menopause and hysterectomies can lead to a drop in estrogen that can dry out the mucous membranes of the vagina. Other factors that may contribute to vaginal dryness are yeast overgrowth, diabetes over douching, the presence of STIs, overwork, stress, and excessive exercise.

Many women suffer from reoccurring vaginal infections, which are not only painful but are also make one uncomfortable. Infections in the vaginal area can be cured with the routine use of the inner bark of slippery elm. It helps detoxify the vagina naturally while hydrating your intimate parts at the same time.


Apart from lubricating the vagina, slippery elm bark also has a range of benefits. Routinely using it can also have a soothing effect on the food tract and the digestive system, making it effective for stomach ulcers. Other stomach problems like constipation and diarrhea can also be treated using elm extract.

Keywords: Organic feminine care products