Blue Calcite Wand

  • Handmade Supply
  • Material: Blue Calcite
  • 6.5 - 7 inches long, 1.5 inches widest end

Experience a whole new realm of pleasure with Empress Organics Yoni Wands. Carved from pure, organic crystal and polished to a smooth and silky texture, your sure to deepen your relationship with your sensual sacred self. The Pleasure Wand is designed to internally sensually massage the yoni (vagina).

The molecular structure of our crystal massage tools are so perfect that they vibrate at, and emit, very strong, very harmonious, very healthy frequencies. Combining those frequencies with a person’s own sexual energy might not only increase pleasure, but might also help facilitate personal awareness and growth. You can use by inserting the wand inside the yoni, just like you would a regular vibrator or dildo, gently pulling the wand in and out to your speed, tempo, rhythm and pleasure.

Blue Calcite is a very helpful healing stone that is particularly useful when you are recovering from illness. It has a number of good healing attributes, and it is known as an excellent asset to aid the healing of pain, particularly in the bones and joints. Like other types of calcite, this variety helps to boost the flow of energy within your body, and will help to clear negative vibrations from its vicinity, so its good to keep close by.

It is an excellent stone to aid the development of your psychic gifts and may enhance your creativity. It is a wonderful stone to stimulate meaningful dreams and it may help you to remember them. It also has a specific type of protective energy that makes it a beneficial stone to have in your home or business, to discourage those who may wish to steal from you.

Blue Calcite is also a good stone to use to grid your home or workplace, as it has a protective quality that may prevent theft. It can be useful to put a piece of Blue Calcite near to any areas where a thief may choose to gain access to your home or business.

If you work in any sort of job where your work is specifically related to a need for clear and honest communication, keep a piece of this stone on you, to aid you to understand more about the importance of the way you communicate with others. This blue crystal resonates strongly at the throat chakra, and has an interesting way of assisting you to see that communication can be more than words.

An exchange of ideas does not have to spoken communication. By understanding unspoken messages, this crystal may help you to realize that how you think can affect the results you may achieve in life. Telepathic gifts are related to being able to know what others are thinking. This crystal can assist you to be more conscious of the way that others are thinking, even when no words are spoken.

This blue crystal is a strong third eye chakra stone, that will boost a number of psychic gifts. This includes improving telepathic abilities, and assisting with the development of clearer psychic communication. It may also aid you to boost your intuitive abilities and it may help to remove blockages that have prevented clarity in your psychic visions, a psychic gift that is also known as clairvoyance.

Chakra: Throat