Bacteria Vaginosis Useful Remedies

What is bacterial vaginosis (BV) and what causes it? 

BV is caused by changes in the amount of certain types of bacteria in your vagina. BV can develop when your vagina has more harmful bacteria than good bacteria. Bacterial vaginosis also is referred to as nonspecific vaginitis, is a vaginal condition that can produce vaginal discharge and results from an overgrowth of certain kinds of bacteria in the vagina. In the past, the condition was called Gardnerella vaginitis, after the bacteria that were thought to cause the condition. However, the newer name, bacterial vaginosis, reflects the fact that there are a number of species of bacteria that naturally live in the vaginal area and may grow to excess, rather than a true infection with foreign bacteria, such as occurs with many sexually-transmitted disease (STDs).

The Gardnerella organism is not the sole type of bacteria causing the symptoms. Other kinds of bacteria that can be involved in bacterial vaginosis are Lactobacillus, Bacteroides, Peptostreptococcus, Fusobacterium, Eubacterium, as well as a number of other types. When these multiple species of bacteria that normally reside in the vagina become unbalanced, a woman can have a vaginal discharge with a foul odor. BV is not caused by poor hygiene. In fact, excessive washing of the vagina may alter the normal balance of bacteria in the vagina, which may make BV more likely to develop.

The probiotics present in your vagina play an important role in its bacterial ecosystem. They produce lactic acid, making the pH level in your vagina slightly acidic. This creates an environment that helps prevent pathogenic bacteria from causing an infection. If for some reason, your probiotics gradually decrease, the pH level rises and becomes less acidic.1 When the level becomes higher than 4.5, it usually indicates the presence of bacterial vaginosis.

Customers that have used Empress Organics Yoni Detox Pearls has said their BV and yeast infections cleared up after the detox. Empress Organics Yoni Detox Pearls work by the specially selected herbs creating a pulling effect that draws toxins, bad bacteria, dead cells, old blood clots, mucus and more out of you while at the same time tightening your yoni and deterring vaginal dryness. Yoni Detox Pearls contain potent traditional herbs that aid in the removal of toxins from the vagina.

Who gets bacterial vaginosis (BV) and how common is it?
It is not exactly known how common BV is, because it is often so mild that women may not go to the doctor. It may be that as many as about 1 in 3 women have BV at some time in their lives.
You are more likely to get BV if:
• You are sexually active. (Women who have never had sex can get BV too. However, it is more common in women who are having sex. You can have BV whether you have sex with women or with men.)
• You have recently changed your sexual partner.
• You have a past history of sexually transmitted infections (STIs).
• You smoke.
• You have a copper coil for contraception - an intrauterine contraceptive device (IUCD).
• You use bubble bath and Douche.
You are less likely to get BV if:
• Your partner has had a circumcision.
• You use condoms.
Douching disrupts the balance between the probiotic and pathogenic bacteria inside your vagina. Doctors recommend that you stop douching and wash your genitals with a mild soap and water instead. Scented soaps, bubble baths and other fragrance-containing products contain harsh chemicals that may irritate your vagina and subsequently cause a bacterial imbalance. If your partner is not using a condom, you may have a higher risk for bacterial vaginosis. Having multiple sex partners also increases your risk, more so if they are composed of both men and women (along with a higher chance of contracting sexually transmitted diseases). Bacterial vaginosis is one of the most common vaginal infections a pregnant woman may develop. Since the exact cause of the disease is unknown, it is theorized that hormonal changes during pregnancy create an environment that allow bacteria to grow in the vagina

What you eat plays an important role in maintaining a good number of probiotics that can help prevent pathogenic bacteria from causing an infection. Simply put, poor nutrition can weaken your immune system, thus increasing your risk for bacterial infections. Therefore, it’s important that you increase your intake of foods that can maintain a balanced gut flora.

When Addressing Bacterial Vaginosis, Load Up on Probiotics
We also have Renew Life Women's Vaginal Probiotics selling on our website under vitamins. If you’re looking to add probiotics to your diet, the best way to get them is by eating fermented foods. If you’re just beginning to eat this type of food, the following examples can help you get started:
• Cultured vegetables, such as natto and kimchi
• Chutney
• Homemade condiments, such as salsa or mayonnaise
• Cultured dairy products like yogurt, kefir and sour cream
• Fermented fish such as Swedish gravlax
It’s recommended that you take your time with the examples provided. You can eat a specific food in small bites, or use it as a condiment so you can slowly get used to the taste.
Should your palate disagree with fermented foods or beverages, you can purchase a high-quality probiotic supplement. But before you run off to the store, there are three criteria that must be met before purchasing:
• The probiotic strains in your chosen product must survive your stomach acid so they can reach your intestine alive and provide longer-lasting benefits.
• The probiotic strains must have health-promoting features.
• The probiotic activity must stay alive throughout the entire process, from production to end-user consumption.

Focus on Eating Foods With Strong Antibacterial Properties
Foods known for their antibacterial properties go well with probiotics. Together, they can help control the presence of pathogenic bacteria not just in your vaginal tract, but throughout your entire body as well. In turn, not only will you have a lower risk of bacterial vaginosis, but other bacterial infections in general. Here are some examples you can try:
• Garlic
Researchers have thoroughly studied garlic and have concluded that not only is it an antibacterial food, but an antiviral and antifungal as well.2 This is mostly attributed to its sulfenic acids, which turn into antioxidants when digested.3
• Coconut Oil
Coconut oil contains medium-chain triglycerides that are not only antibacterial, but health-promoting as well. Using coconut oil in your daily cooking or baking will allow you to regularly reap its benefits with minimal effort.
• Manuka Honey
Manuka honey contains a unique antibacterial compound called the Unique Manuka Factor (UMF), which is not present in other types of honey. UMF has been found to be effective against more than 250 clinical strains of bacteria, including those that are resistant to antibiotics.
• Apple Cider Vinegar
Most forms of vinegar happen to have antibacterial properties, but apple cider vinegar is inherently strong and effective, making it a popular choice. It contains certain acids that penetrate into cell membranes that can kill bacteria. Aside from adding it to your diet, you can use apple cider vinegar directly on wounds and cuts as an antiseptic.
What are the symptoms of bacterial vaginosis (BV)?
The main symptom of BV is a vaginal discharge. BV is one of the most common causes of vaginal discharge in women of childbearing age. The discharge is often white-grey in colour, and often has a fishy smell. The smell may be more noticeable during sex. The discharge tends to be heaviest just after a period, or after sex. The discharge does not usually cause itch or soreness around the vagina and vulva.
Many women with BV do not have any symptoms (up to half of cases).
Note: BV is not the only cause of a vaginal discharge. Various conditions can cause discharge. For example, another common cause of vaginal discharge is an infection caused by a yeast called thrush (candida). Unlike BV, thrush typically causes a thicker white discharge which tends to cause itching and soreness around the vagina and vulva.

Is bacterial vaginosis (BV) a sexually transmitted disease?
No, BV can affect any woman, including those who do not have (or who have never had) sex. However, BV is more common amongst sexually active women than amongst non-sexually active women. No germ (bacterium) is passed on between sexual partners to cause this condition. However, some cases of BV seem to be sexually related. It may develop after a change in sexual partner. In these cases, the infection is not caught from anyone. But a change in sexual partner may affect the balance of normal germs (bacteria) in the vagina. BV is also more likely in women in same sex relationships who have had a change of partner.

Testing the acid level of your vagina
The discharge of BV has a typical pH level (acid/alkaline balance) compared to other causes of discharge. (The overgrowth of the germs (bacteria) of BV causes the pH to change in the vagina so that it becomes more alkaline, ie the pH rises.) If available, your doctor or nurse may suggest that they take a sample of your discharge and test it with some pH paper. In addition, if an alkali is added to a sample of the discharge, it often causes a characteristic fishy smell.
Taking a sample (a swab)
To confirm the diagnosis, your doctor or nurse may also suggest that a swab of your discharge be taken from your vagina and sent to the laboratory for testing. Large numbers of various bacteria that occur with BV are seen under the microscope. Your doctor or nurse may suggest that they take more than one swab from your vagina to rule out other causes of vaginal discharge.

What are the possible complications of bacterial vaginosis (BV)?
BV and pregnancy
If you have untreated BV during pregnancy, you have a slightly increased risk of developing some complications of pregnancy. These include:
• Early labour.
• Miscarriage.
• Having your baby early (preterm birth).
• Having a low birth-weight baby.
• Developing an infection of the womb (uterus) after childbirth (postpartum endometritis).
BV and surgery
If you have untreated BV, the chance of developing an infection of the uterus is higher following certain operations (such as termination of pregnancy or a vaginal hysterectomy).
BV and other infections
If you have untreated BV, you may have an increased risk of developing HIV infection if you have sex with someone who is infected with HIV. You may also be more likely to pass on HIV if you have HIV and BV together. There is also some evidence that women with untreated BV may be at an increased risk of developing pelvic inflammatory disease (PID).

What Are the Characteristics of Yeast Infection?
As the name suggests, yeast infection is a vaginal disease caused by overgrowth of yeast, a type of fungi. The medical term for the disease is "candidiasis," named after the yeast strain responsible for the infection, Candida albicans. This fungi strain lives inside you and is even beneficial, helping digest your food and absorb nutrients. But when certain factors allow it to multiply unchecked, there's a high chance an infection will occur.

One factor that can cause a yeast infection is the lack of probiotics due to frequent antibiotic use. As you continue with this type of treatment to eliminate harmful bacteria, your good bacteria become an unintended casualty as well.
Probiotics are important because they help keep the fungi levels controlled inside your vagina. To keep your probiotic levels up, it's recommended you consume fermented foods and beverages, or consume a high-quality probiotic supplement. Another factor that can influence the growth of yeast is uncontrolled diabetes. The main food source of yeast is sugar, so having a high blood sugar level will most likely increase your risk of a yeast infection, despite having normal probiotic levels.

Women with type 2 diabetes have a higher risk of developing yeast infection, and it may even recur if your blood sugar isn't maintained. If you have type 2 diabetes, a proper diet of nutritious food, minimized sugar intake and regular exercise may help decrease your risk of a yeast infection.
Strong indicators of a yeast infection include the presence of a vaginal discharge and itching in the vaginal area, plus a burning feeling during urination. If you're sexually active, an additional symptom is pain during intercourse.

The Main Difference Between Bacterial Vaginosis and Yeast Infection, Aside from the different microorganisms that cause vaginitis (yeast versus bacteria), bacterial vaginosis and yeast infection can be distinguished by the smell of the vaginal discharge. In yeast infection, the odor of its discharge is virtually non-existent, but its consistency is typically described as something similar to cottage cheese.7 In contrast, the discharge produced by bacterial vaginosis is typically white or grey in color, and has a thin viscosity. It also has a strong, fishy smell that can be noticed right away. Knowing the difference between the discharges these two diseases can produce will help your doctor come up with an effective treatment right away.

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